Sunday, December 18, 2005

The President is a Mobster.

The Shrub that thought he was King

Even Al Capone knows, don't argue with the motherfuckin shrub. W's recent admission of spying on US citizens without court approval should come as no surprise to those who have some idea where the administration is coming from. Just call them the neo-con Mob. They've got more power than Gambino ever dreamed of, and are a more ruthless pack of politicians than Nixon and his crew.

The media seems generally shocked, or at least pissed about this latest revelation. But, the NYTimes has known about this for at least a year, and sat on it at the behest of the White House. Do laws apply anymore? And exactly how many news sources are complete bitches to the Wmob? The list would hurt my head, as I pound it into the screen.

Condi simply smiled and spewed nonsense and untrue statements, as usual. "I am not a lawyer... But this was surely within the President's powers", this is meant to assure me that only a few people are being watched and listened to, you know, those terrorists... and Quakers (only one of the peace groups carefully watched by the federal government).

Seriously, I want to hear a genuinely good reason why the Prez couldn't operate within the law; going to the court which exists for this very reason and having the court authorize the domestic spying. There isn't one. The press sees this, and most of congress understands this. They failed to renew the Patriot Act, thankfully it should be whittled down to eliminate some of the more gross infractions of civil liberties.

I believe it was Michael Corleone who said "Politics and crime are the same thing." Not so true, apparently George W. is above the law, he says so. I mean really, who is going to do anything about this or any of the scores of things this mob leader should be charged with? Surely not the Congress or Senate, which are the only bodies with the authority to do anything. President gone insane or mad with power? Nothing the nation can do, the people are powerless.

Let us look at what the DEA did this week: in an apparent coalition between county and federal officials, 14 medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego were raided. By raided I mean, many officers busted down the door with guns drawn in patient and employee's faces, got them handcuffed and on the ground, uprooted all live plants, carted away all medicine, took all money (not only cash register, but money in patient and employee wallets), and took all records, including medical records. I know the people this happened to, the gestapo tactics have hit home. The entire city of San Diego had no medicine for people that suffer with ailments that are alleviated by Dr. recommended marijuana. The people of CA voted for compassion in dealing with this issue, and the federal government has overstepped democracy. This uncivil and illogical move shows clearly the measures which our Mob government are glad to take. Couldn't they have sent lawyers into the peaceful stores, believe me none of these guys were violent drug sellers, they were natural pharmacists.

Shutting down the dispensaries simply forces patients to go back to the black market, an unsure and unfit market for medical purposes. How is the underground a better setting than a legal storefront from any socially conscious perspective? But fuck em, two new stores opened up the day after the raids. 150,000 Californian medical users can't be silenced, even by the Wmob.
Torture, spy, silence, kill... the Wmob's out to destroy the people's will.

cant even be free in our own land. the wicked man turn it into battleground

The Band

Shame & Skandal
(02/14/03 - )

HOLY FUCK - recorded via hi-8 11/04
61.9 – recorded on computer – 5/05
Melodicafari – recorded on computer – 8/05

Steve Bartholow – Bass, Vocals, Harmonica

Kevin Rowe – Guitar, Vocals, Trumpet

Rocky Rhoades – Drums, Percussion

Dr. Rob - Keys

Shame and Skandal is the next generation of Surf Punk. We have musical influence from genres such as Reggae, Rap/Hip-Hop, Punk, Surf Rock, Ska, Blues, Dub, and anything else that comes our way. Being identified as having the same sounds and vibes as far ranging from Bob Marley and Sublime to Operation Ivy and The Specials to The Ziggens to name a few.

Even before we knew how to play our instruments we were still playing music. Rocky was the bassist in the band Something Like… Airplane and beyond coincidence ran into the ska-punk heads Steven and Kevin. As we began our journey, Steve picked up the guitar and began to jam Sublime and Operation Ivy covers. Rocky picked up drums and Steve moved to bass so Kevin could play the guitar. We began to play with our souls but couldn’t play or write lyrics, but we had the passion and potential to be a GREAT band. We started a band called “THE SHEL PROJECT” which was us improvising and playing any instrument we could find around garage. Since we couldn’t write lyrics we used the wonderful and magnificent Shel Silverstien’s “A Light In The Attic” book of poems as our voice. As we jammed with real musicians ranging from Emo to Reggae to Hip-Hop and so on we picked up more potential and became even more open minded. After Steve picked up the talent of writing lyrics, we left the magnificent Mr.Silverstien on the shelf and started “Shame & Skandal” which has the potential to let the young and old enjoy and dance together in complete peace and unity.

Living the ideal So Cal life style where the Buds always green and the girls are always fine. With just our shorts and sunglasses, we’re down in Ocean Beach as much as 3 guys can go without living there. Surfing, Skating and skim-boarding all year long and snowboarding in the winter, we are true surf punks at heart. Bringing our dogs, our acoustics and bongos everywhere we go, to the beach during the day and to the parties at night, we can’t help but to bring our positive vibes everywhere we go. While Rocky left for two months in the Spring of 05’, to find his own meaning, Steven found a deep passion for roots, both in music and spirituality. When they united to play their first venue in May and many parties during the summer they evolved to a deep reggae and ska sound which the crowds love. Shame and Skandal attracts people of all ages, styles and anyone searching for a good, fun, IRIE time. With our brothers in high school and our parents support, Shame & Skandal has a growing following by the day. As we search for places to play and an opportunity to show ourselves to the world, we need the support of our fellow brothers and sisters in the business industries support and publicity.