Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Hall of Shame 1/12/06

January 12, 2006

The first of a semi-weekly tally of the most notable people, be it bad or good.

1. Alito- that rat fink was in the ROTC giving shit to protestors and hippies in 1969. He does not answer questions, this man is tighter lipped than Roberts was. What he does say is usually a whiny contradiction that is unintelligible. There have been something like 194 5-4 decisions handed down by the SCTOUS in the last three years. O'Connor was almost always the deciding vote. We must not lose this important seat to a Bush lackey with no sense of true civil rights and liberties.

2. Arlen Specter- For giving into his ultra-conservative colleagues and batting down Kennedy's subpoena.

3. GW Bush- Is it me or is Bush getting more blatant with his fascism? In his latest speech he labeled dissenters as traitors, and if you look real carefully at the newest installment of the patriot act you can see it would enable Bush to criminalize protesters under the Patriot Act as "disrupters."

4. Edwards- John Kerry's running-mate came out today in Opposition of Alito. He supports a democratic filibuster, if that's what it takes to keep him off the court. I urge you all to stand together and use whatever means you have at your disposal to block the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

"I urge you all to stand together and use whatever means you have at your disposal to block the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court..
Samuel Alito's nomination represents a grave threat to the fundamental liberties of all Americans. He is an activist who has consistently placed his conservative ideology above the rule of law."

This man deserves our respect. I hope he starts something amongst the senators.

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