Friday, April 21, 2006

Hunter S Thompson: words of relevance

"If we get chased out of Iraq with our tail between our legs, that will be the fifth consecutive Third-world country with no hint of a Navy or an Air Force to have whipped us in the past 40 years."

"We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear -- fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts, or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer."

"Richard Nixon looks like a flaming liberal today, compared to a golem like George Bush. Indeed. Where is Richard Nixon now that we finally need him?"


Those of us who recognize HST and his works, the sane/logical portion of society, the ones who would be called insane and illogical by some beaurocratic portion of society, those who understand or at least pretend to understand what he was all about and what IT is all about, those who live life and wonder how the others exist like blind unquestioning moles, we felt a great dismay in HST's death. A great force for the movement of truth and American will was lost, and lost to his own hand. Not in some legendary overdose that should have occurred a decade or two earlier, but by the hand of an agonized old man; agonized by bodily and societal injury. Throughout his lifetime he documented the unraveling of the nation he loved and fought for, falling apart around him; the death of the American dream. Rational, progressive politics fell into a regressive deathtrap. Conservatives took hold and sank their teeth deep into the American psyche. Reagan, Bush I... the rapid corporate takeover and the american consumers eating up every bit of it. Culminating in GW's illegal supreme court victory declaring him president and the following wars and manipulation of the american people and their rights. Too much pain for an aging journalist who had seen it all... Not many people have written about this, it is depressing as hell. Such a strong voice, silenced, not wanting to see the final decline of all he fought for? And we are in the middle of it. Now we MUST FIGHT! For truth, for Hunter, for the real America.


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Thanks, See You Around

Anonymous said...

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Cheers, See Ya Around