Monday, March 03, 2008

"No one likes America"

Says Ahmadinejad.

The President of Iran just got back from a two-day trip to Iraq (see my earlier post). He was welcomed, and had more access to the country than Bush dares to take. After returning home he reiterated what he thinks of America, and what he thinks others think: "No one likes America."
His visit follows trips to Iran last year by top officials of Iraq's Shiite-led government, which has been fostering a closer relationship with predominantly Shiite Iran since the Saddam Hussein regime was toppled by U.S.-led forces in 2003. His visit was greeted warmly by Iraq's Shiite Muslim leaders, whose links to Iran predate the overthrow of Hussein...

On Sunday, in northern Iraq, he walked openly on the streets of Hawaija, a former al Qaeda in Iraq bastion now described in a Pentagon news release as "a market crowded with people and shops stocked with goods."
We must be doing great in Iraq. Ahmadinejad, supposedly our greatest enemy, walks the streets freely, the same streets we "liberated," and our "leader" sneaks around, too afraid to do anything but photo-ops with our troops. I guess I was wrong four years ago when I said this war was going to be clusterfuck.

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